I am so much better. Since Sunday I have been super careful and back to my safe foods. I can't believe how much pain I was in. That'll teach me!!
It's funny because I am reminded of how much fatigue comes into play with RA. I always used to think my only symptom was stiffness and pain in my hands and feet. When my rheumatologist would ask about fatigue I would always shake my head no, I'm good. But now, I feel it. Maybe its because I'm off all my drugs so I have lifted the heavy fog. I woke up today with tons of energy and the ability to make a couple of fists again!!
It's Diet people.... I tell ya :)
Glad you're doing well again! I just saw this from someone I follow on FB and thought you might be interested. Dr. Mercola is a great resource for diet and alternative health info.
Getting back on track really pays off huh? Glad you are feeling better :) I do the same, get off track sometimes and pay for it! We are only human :)